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September 29, 2010

Cleaning & organizing my home

I've been married for a little over 12 years now so I've done my fair share of cleaning houses over the years. I go through seasons of feeling like I'm on top of my game and then other times, I'm under a pile of laundry somewhere, buried alive!
I'm not a messy person but I'm also not an OCD cleaner. I fall somewhere in the middle, I like a clean house but sometimes life gets a little crazy and it's hard to keep up. I'm trying to find the balance between not taking care of my house every second of the day so I can spend time with my kids but also not living in complete chaos and mess. Part of this is just realizing that with 4 kids, my house isn't going to look ready for the front cover of Better Homes and Gardens or Country Living at any given time during the day. My house is meant for memories to be made in,a place to be loved in and a place they can call home. Although I don't want their memories to be of the time we were featured on the show "Hoarders."
A great website that has helped me get a handle on my house is . She has more of an organized system of cleaning, you are in a specific area of the house during the week and also you are working on organizing and decluttering. I LOVE decluttering, in fact, I think I get a little high off of throwing away toys from McDonalds, papers, worn out clothes, junk, you name it, I like to get rid of it. Sometimes I think I go a little overboard though and I get rid of something and then maybe a month later I think, darn, I wish I still had that.
So if you are looking for a clean, more organized, less cluttered and chaotic home, than look no further than the Flylady!

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